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apihelp-paraminfo-param-formatmodules (トーク) (翻訳) | List of format module names (value of <var>format</var> parameter). Use <var>$1modules</var> instead. |
apihelp-paraminfo-param-helpformat (トーク) (翻訳) | Format of help strings. |
apihelp-paraminfo-param-mainmodule (トーク) (翻訳) | Get information about the main (top-level) module as well. Use <kbd>$1modules=main</kbd> instead. |
apihelp-paraminfo-param-modules (トーク) (翻訳) | モジュールの名前のリスト (<var>action</var> および <var>format</var> パラメーターの値, または <kbd>main</kbd>). <kbd>+</kbd> を使用して下位モジュールを指定できます。 |
apihelp-paraminfo-param-pagesetmodule (トーク) (翻訳) | Get information about the pageset module (providing titles= and friends) as well. |
apihelp-paraminfo-param-querymodules (トーク) (翻訳) | List of query module names (value of <var>prop</var>, <var>meta</var> or <var>list</var> parameter). Use <kbd>$1modules=query+foo</kbd> instead of <kbd>$1querymodules=foo</kbd>. |
apihelp-parse-description (トーク) (翻訳) | Parses content and returns parser output. See the various prop-modules of <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query|action=query]]</kbd> to get information from the current version of a page. There are several ways to specify the text to parse: # Specify a page or revision, using <var>$1page</var>, <var>$1pageid</var>, or <var>$1oldid</var>. # Specify content explicitly, using <var>$1text</var>, <var>$1title</var>, and <var>$1contentmodel</var>. # Specify only a summary to parse. <var>$1prop</var> should be given an empty value. |
apihelp-parse-example-page (トーク) (翻訳) | ページをパース |
apihelp-parse-example-summary (トーク) (翻訳) | Parse a summary. |
apihelp-parse-example-text (トーク) (翻訳) | ウィキテキストをパース |
apihelp-parse-example-texttitle (トーク) (翻訳) | Parse wikitext, specifying the page title. |
apihelp-parse-param-contentformat (トーク) (翻訳) | Content serialization format used for the input text. Only valid when used with $1text. |
apihelp-parse-param-contentmodel (トーク) (翻訳) | Content model of the input text. If omitted, $1title must be specified, and default will be the model of the specified title. Only valid when used with $1text. |
apihelp-parse-param-disableeditsection (トーク) (翻訳) | Omit edit section links from the parser output. |
apihelp-parse-param-disablelimitreport (トーク) (翻訳) | Omit the limit report ("NewPP limit report") from the parser output. |
apihelp-parse-param-disablepp (トーク) (翻訳) | <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> を代わりに使用してください。 |
apihelp-parse-param-disabletidy (トーク) (翻訳) | Do not run HTML cleanup (e.g. tidy) on the parser output. |
apihelp-parse-param-disabletoc (トーク) (翻訳) | Omit table of contents in output. |
apihelp-parse-param-effectivelanglinks (トーク) (翻訳) | Includes language links supplied by extensions (for use with <kbd>$1prop=langlinks</kbd>). |
apihelp-parse-param-generatexml (トーク) (翻訳) | Generate XML parse tree (requires content model <code>$1</code>; replaced by <kbd>$2prop=parsetree</kbd>). |
apihelp-parse-param-oldid (トーク) (翻訳) | Parse the content of this revision. Overrides <var>$1page</var> and <var>$1pageid</var>. |
apihelp-parse-param-onlypst (トーク) (翻訳) | Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, but don't parse it. Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied. Only valid when used with <var>$1text</var>. |
apihelp-parse-param-page (トーク) (翻訳) | Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with <var>$1text</var> and <var>$1title</var>. |
apihelp-parse-param-pageid (トーク) (翻訳) | Parse the content of this page. Overrides <var>$1page</var>. |
apihelp-parse-param-preview (トーク) (翻訳) | プレビューモードでのパース |
apihelp-parse-param-prop (トーク) (翻訳) | Which pieces of information to get: |
apihelp-parse-param-pst (トーク) (翻訳) | Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it. Only valid when used with text. |
apihelp-parse-param-redirects (トーク) (翻訳) | If <var>$1page</var> or <var>$1pageid</var> is set to a redirect, resolve it. |
apihelp-parse-param-section (トーク) (翻訳) | Only retrieve the content of this section number or when <kbd>new</kbd> generate a new section. <kbd>new</kbd> section is only honored when specifying <var>text</var>. |
apihelp-parse-param-sectionpreview (トーク) (翻訳) | Parse in section preview mode (enables preview mode too). |
apihelp-parse-param-sectiontitle (トーク) (翻訳) | New section title when <var>section</var> is <kbd>new</kbd>. Unlike page editing, this does not fall back to <var>summary</var> when omitted or empty. |
apihelp-parse-param-summary (トーク) (翻訳) | Summary to parse. |
apihelp-parse-param-text (トーク) (翻訳) | Text to parse. Use <var>$1title</var> or <var>$1contentmodel</var> to control the content model. |
apihelp-parse-param-title (トーク) (翻訳) | Title of page the text belongs to. If omitted, <var>$1contentmodel</var> must be specified, and [[API]] will be used as the title. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-categories (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the categories in the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-categorieshtml (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the HTML version of the categories. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-displaytitle (トーク) (翻訳) | Adds the title of the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-encodedjsconfigvars (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page as a JSON string. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-externallinks (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-headhtml (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives parsed <code><head></code> of the page. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-headitems (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives items to put in the <code><head></code> of the page. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-images (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the images in the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-indicators (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the HTML of page status indicators used on the page. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-iwlinks (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-jsconfigvars (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-langlinks (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the language links in the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-limitreportdata (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the limit report in a structured way. Gives no data, when <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> is set. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-limitreporthtml (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the HTML version of the limit report. Gives no data, when <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> is set. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-links (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext. |
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-modules (トーク) (翻訳) | Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page. Either <kbd>jsconfigvars</kbd> or <kbd>encodedjsconfigvars</kbd> must be requested jointly with <kbd>modules</kbd>. |
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